Human Speech Production, Speech and Language Acquisition
Doug Whalen - Haskins Laboratories - New-Haven - Connecticut - USA.
Véronique Delvaux - Service de Métrologie et Sciences du Langage - Université de Mons-Hainaut - Mons - Belgium.
Human Speech Perception, Interaction Production-Perception and Face-to-Face Communication
Jeesun Kim - MARCS Institute - University of Western Sydney - Sydney - Australia.
Martin Cooke - Language and Speech Laboratory - Universidad de Pais Vasco - Vitoria - Spain.
Linguistic Systems, Language Description, Languages in Contact, Sound Changes
Marianne Pouplier - Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität - München - Germany.
Marija Tabain - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - La Trobe University - Melbourne - Australia.
Speech and Hearing Disorders
Peter Howell - Dept. Cognitive, Perceptual and Brain Sciences - University College London - London - UK.
Suzanne Boyce - College of Allied Health Sciences - University of Cincinnati - USA.
Analysis of Speech, Audio Signals, Speech Coding, Speech Enhancement
Gael Richard - LTCI-CNRS - Télécom ParisTech - Paris - France.
Maurizio Omologo - Center for Information Technology (CIT) - Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Trento - Italy.
Yannis Stylianou - Computer Science Department - University of Crete - Heraklion - Crete - Greece.
Speech Synthesis, Audiovisual Speech Synthesis, Spoken Language Generation
Petra Wagner - Fakultät für Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft - Universität Bielefeld - Bielefeld - Germany.
Yoshinori Sagisaka - Global Information and Telecommunication Institute - Waseda University - Tokyo - Japan.
Speech Recognition: Signal Processing, Acoustic Modeling, Pronunciation, Robustness, Adaptation
Bin Ma - Human Language Technology - Institute for Infocom Research - Singapore.
Denis Jouvet - LORIA - Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France.
Mark Gales - Machine Intelligence Laboratory - University of Cambridge - Cambridge - UK.
Ralf Schlueter - Human Language Technology and Pattern Recognition - RWTH Aachen University - Aachen - Germany.
Speech Recognition: System, Architecture, Lexical and Linguistic Components, Language Modeling, Search
Helen Meng - Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management - The Chinese University of Hong Kong – China.
Thomas Hain - Department of Computer Science – University of Sheffield - Sheffield - UK.
Speaker Characterization, Speaker and Language Recognition
Claude Barras - LIMSI-CNRS - Université de Paris-Sud – Orsay - France.
Michael Wagner - Faculty of Information Sciences & Engineering - University of Canberra - Canberra - Australia.
Patrick Kenny - CRIM - Montréal - Canada.
Sanjeev Khudanpur - Center for Language and Speech Processing - Johns Hopkins University - Baltimore - USA.
Spoken Language Understanding, Dialog Systems, Spoken Information Retrieval, and Other Applications
Dilek Hakkani-Tur - Microsoft Research - Mountain View - California - USA.
Olivier Pietquin - Information, Multimodalité & Signal - Supelec Campus de Metz - Metz - France.
Satoshi Nakamura - Nara Institute of Science and Technology - Nara - Japan.
Metadata, Evaluation and Resources, NLP including MT applied to spoken data
Murat Saraçlar - Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Boğaziçi University - Istanbul - Turkey.
Stephanie Strassel - LDC - University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia - USA.