Travel and access

Public transports in Lyon

•    3 direct lines connected with railway station and city center
•    12 minutes from city center and Railway station Lyon Part Dieu
•    Tram express between Railway station and Airport Lyon St Exupéry
•    6 Vélo’V stations nearby

Airport (Lyon Saint Exupéry)
•    27 french cities linked with regular daily flights
•    43 international regular flights,
•    19 charters
•    One Hub low-cost Easy Jet


•    10 mn from Railway station Lyon Part-Dieu
•    15 mn from Railway Station Lyon Perrache
•    TGV : 2h from Paris, 1h30 from Marseille, 4h from Brussel




•    1h30 from Geneva
•    3h from Torino,
•    4h from Paris,
•    4h30 from Milan,
•    5h from Barcelona

» Main routes

Map main routes

This map shows the more important lines to travel in Lyon during the conference :
- Metro MA, MB, MC, MD
- Tramway (in purple) T1 and T2
- 4 bus lines:

  •    C1 : From SNCF railway station to the conference center
  •    C3 From « Old Lyon » to City center (Presqu’île) and left side of Lyon. (In grey on the map)
  •    C5 From the Conference center to « Place Bellecour » (Presqu’île) (In Green on the map)
  •    C4 From the Conference center to the « Place Jean Macé » (In orange on the map).


From \ To Part-Dieu train Conference Venue Lyon Tech Campus Airport Student reception « le POP »
Station University Residence
Part-Dieu train station   Bus C1 to Cuire Tram T1 to IUT Feyssine. Rhônexpress tram to Lyon St Exupéry. Tram T1 to Montrochet-Hôtel de Région
Get off at Perrache Get off at Cité Internationale – Centre des Congrès Get off at La Doua – Gaston Berger
Conference Venue Bus C1 to Part-Dieu   15 minutes walk (more details below Bus C1 to Part-Dieu. Then Rhônexpress tram to Lyon St Exupéry Bus C5 to Bellecour, or Bus C2 to Charpennes, then Tram T1 to Montrochet Hôtel de Région
Get off at Perrache
Lyon Tech Campus Tram T1 to Montrochet – Hôtel de Région 15 minutes walk (more details below     Tram T1 to Montrochet – Hôtel de Région
Get off at Part-Dieu Get off at Perrache
Airport Rhônexpress tram to Part Dieu. Rhônexpress tram to Part Dieu – then Bus C1 to Cuire Rhônexpress tram to Part Dieu, then Tram T1 to IUT Feyssine    
Get off at Cité Internationale – Centre des Congrès Get off at La Doua – Gaston Berger
Student Reception "Le POP" Special Interspeech shuttle   Special Interspeech shuttle    



The bus C26 (which stops at La Doua, near the campus) will take you to the surroundings of the Cité Internationale in 5 minutes. You can then walk to the Convention center in ~5 minutes.


The Lyon Tech campus is served by the tramway line T1 (stop: La Doua Gaston Berger, 5-minute walk from the residences) which connects with the railway station Lyon Part Dieu in 12 minutes; from there you can take the Tram Express to the airport Lyon Saint-Exupéry.

Tramway T1 also connects with metro line A that goes directly to the city center.

Fares for buses/tramways/metros

Single tickets are 1.70€ but you can buy books of 10 tickets which are cheaper (14.70€ /book) if you use the tram/metro/buses several times during the conference.

Please note that you need to validate your ticket at each transfer (except from one metro line to another).

There are also tickets called "Liberté 1 jour" (5€, unlimited travel on the network for a whole day) and "Liberté soirée" (2.70€, unlimited travel on the network from 7pm to the end of the service).

For more information on the transportation network, please visit the website here.


If you enjoy cycling, you can hire a bike from Vélo'v stations: there are up to 10 stations near the campus and the Convention center. You can cycle to the Conference venue through the bicycle path that goes to the "Parc de la Tête d'Or" and then access the Convention center from the park.
Journeys under 30 minutes are always free of charge. If you hire a bike for more than 30 minutes, you will be charged 1€ for the first additional hour and 2€ from the second additional half-hour.
Please visit the website for additional information here (select the UK flag for an english version).