Satellite Workshops

Thirteen satellite workshops are organized before or after the Interspeech conference. This is the opportunity to participate to specific scientific events related to current "hot topics" in speech science. These workshops take place in locations with fast and direct access to/from Lyon.

SLPAT 2013: 4th Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies
Aug. 21 to Aug. 22, Grenoble (France)

: Phonetics and phonology of contact situations:
contact varieties, multilingualism, and second language learning
Aug. 21 to Aug. 23, Paris (France)

: 6th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech
Aug. 21 to Aug. 23, Stockholm (Sweden)

WASSS 2013: Workshop on Affective Social Speech Signals
Aug. 22 to Aug. 23, Grenoble (France)

SLAM: First Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia
Aug. 22 to Aug. 23, Marseille (France)

SIGDIAL 2013: 14th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue
Aug. 23 to Aug. 24, Metz (France)
Contact: or

AVSP 2013: International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing
Aug. 29 to Sep. 1, Annecy (France)

SPASR 2013: Speech Production in Automatic Speech Recognition
Aug. 30, Lyon (France)

TRASP: Tools and resources for the analysis of speech prosody
Aug. 30, Aix-En-Provence (France)
Contact: click here

: Speech and Language Technology in Education
Special focus on first and second language acquisition and learning
Aug. 30 to Sep., 1, Grenoble (France)

: 8th ISCA Workshop on Speech Synthesis
Aug. 31 to Sep. 2, Barcelona (Spain)

Blizzard Workshop
Sep. 3, Barcelona (Spain)

: 4th International Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems
Sep. 2 to Sep. 4, Vienna (Austria)
Contact: or