The submission process for regular papers is now closed. We thank authors for all the hard work they have put in preparing their submissions.
This year, a record has been reached with 1450 regular paper proposals at the 24th March deadline.
These submissions are now being processed by the scientific committee with the help of a large panel of reviewers from around the world, who we thank for their involvement in making Interspeech'13 a huge success.
Please note that the Call for Show & Tell will remain open until April 29th. Do not hesitate to submit !
During the first half of April, registration will start and detailed information about student grants will be released. Stay tuned !
Bien amicalement,
More information to come up shortly on this web site.
Frédéric Bimbot (Chair) | Cécile Fougeron (Co-Chair) | François Pellegrino (Co-Chair) |