Call for participation

Call for Satellite Workshops - Now closed

The call for Satellite Workshops is now closed.
INTERSPEECH 2013 satellite events are now announced and advertised on:

Call for Tutorials - Now closed

Submission Deadline: January 4, 2013
Notification of acceptance: February 4, 2013

Tutorial proposals covering interdisciplinary topics and/or focusing on important emerging areas of interest related to the conference are encouraged. We welcome applications which may be either “recent advances on…” some recently emerging specialized hot topics which deserves to be focused on, or “crash-courses” targeted towards an audience who is looking for a comprehensive yet condensed overview of a wider area.
Visit the Tutorial Page of the conference website for more information and for instructions on how to submit a tutorial proposal:

Call for Special Sessions - Now closed

Submission Deadline: January 29, 2013
Notification of pre-selection: February 8, 2013
Final list of special sessions: May 22, 2013

Special sessions at Interspeech are designed to bring together researchers in relevant fields of interest, either on a targeted topic, or beyond the traditional scope of the conference.
Prospective organizers are invited to submit a proposal via e-mail at
For more information about the 2013 Special Session submission process :

Call for Papers - Now closed

Submission Deadline:  March 18, 2013
Notification of acceptance: May 24, 2013
Camera-ready paper: May 29, 2013

Technical chairs : Lori Lamel, Pascal Perrier

Call for Show & Tell and other Special Events - Now closed

Show and Tell Submission Deadline: April 19, 2013 Extended until April 29, 2013
Notification of acceptance: May 24, 2013

The Show & Tell event is intended to provide professionals of various backgrounds with an opportunity to demonstrate their most recent progress, developments or innovation tracks, and interact with the conference attendees in an informal way. Other special events are in preparation and will be gradually detailed on this website.

To submit a Show & Tell proposal and/or to know more about special events: