Prizes and Awards

ISCA Best Paper Awards

Each year ISCA awards 3 best student papers at INTERSPEECH based on anonymous reviewing and presentation at the conference. Each paper is awarded 250 euros to be split between the student authors. Best Papers of Speech Communication, Computer Speech and Language are also announced by ISCA during INTERSPEECH.

For more details, please consult :

See for the list of Best Student Paper nominations

Google Best Show & Tell Prize

Thanks to Google, a gold sponsor of the conference, we are happy to announce the Google's Best Show & Tell award. Google wishes to send the following message to the contestants, in order to explain the spirit of this support:

"Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin applied their research to an interesting problem and invented the world's most popular search engine. The same spirit holds true at Google today. The mission of research at Google is to deliver cutting-edge innovation that improves Google products and enriches the lives of all who use them.

Google promotes innovation and the flow of ideas within research communities across the globe. For the community at Interspeech 2013,
Google is pleased to provide funding for the Show & Tell event during the conference".

Show & Tell is a special event organized during the conference, where participants are asked to demonstrate innovation -- an idea, a concept, a prototype -- in a format of their choice : a talk, a poster, a mockup, a demo, etc... These Show & Tell presentations can (but do not have to) relate to a paper submitted at the conference.

Show & Tell participants must submit a specific 2 page written contribution, together with optional multimedia content (see details at The submission must describe the concept from the technical point-of-view but also articulate its innovative side.

Google will award a sum of 500 € to the best Show & Tell at Interspeech 2013.

7th Christian Benoit Award

The Christian Benoît Award is delivered periodically by the Association Christian Benoit (

The prize is awarded to promising young scientists in the domain of Speech and Face-to-Face Communication. It can concern basic or applied research projects.

The award provides the elected scientist with financial support for the development of a short-term research project that:
    (1) illustrates concretely the achievements of her/his research work
    (2) could help promoting this work in the scientific community and to Grant Agencies
    (3) gives an overall view of the state of the art in the research domain.

The proposed research project can have the form of a demonstrator, a technical product or of a pedagogical multi-media product (Movie, Web-site, interactive software…).

The Award is valued at 7,500 Euros. 3,500 Euros will be given immediately; the remaining 4,000 Euros will be available at reception of the multi-media project by the Christian Benoit Association. Travel and registration costs necessary to attend the Interspeech 2011 Conference will have to be paid on this grant.

The commitments of the elected scientist are:

  • to attend the Interspeech2013 Conference in Lyon, France
  • to deliver the final product of the project within 2 years
  • to present her/his results in a workshop such as, among others, AVSP, ISSP, or SpeechProsody.

In the application, the candidate should provide:

  • a statement of research interests,
  • a detailed curriculum vitae
  • a description of the proposed short-term research project.

The description should include a presentation of the scientific and/or pedagogical objectives and of the methodological aspects, a link with the former research work of the , as well as a detailed description of the provisional budget.

Applications will be evaluated by an international committee including experts in the field of Speech and Face-to-Face communications and representatives of the Institutions supporting the award.


The successful candidate will receive the award at the conference.

For further information, contact Pascal Perrier:


The successful candidate will be notified by June 17th 2013. The Award will be delivered at the Interspeech 2013 Conference in Lyon (France)

For further information, please contact Pascal Perrier.