Become a partner of INTERSPEECH 2013 (Now closed)

Dear Partner,

We are pleased to inform you that this year, INTERSPEECH congress will be held in France.
The Centre de Congrès de Lyon will host this international event from August 25-29, 2013.

INTERSPEECH is the major scientific event in the field of Spoken Language Processing and Speech Technology.
It gathers over 1,200 attendees coming from all over the world.

For its 14th edition, INTERSPEECH will make a special focus on Speech in Life Sciences and Human Societies.

We kindly invite you to read the editorial below from the Organising Committee.
You will find enclosed the Sponsorship and Exhibition brochures to allow you to become a partner of this major event.

We remain at your disposal should you have any question.

We hope to count you among our partners this year and to see you in Lyon next August.

Best Regards,

If you have any question, please contact:

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