In a few months, the 2013 edition of the Interspeech Conference will start. We look forward to welcoming you in Lyon, France.
In the meantime, this website will provide you with relevant information to prepare your participation to the event next August.
As of today, prospective authors are formally invited to prepare their paper submissions. Useful information can be found below.
The Interspeech conferences reflect the dynamism of our scientific community, which has steadily strengthened over the years. We are looking forward to receiving, from all areas of the world, an abundant flow of high-quality contributions on the wide range of topics covered by the conference.
Les préparatifs battent leur plein !
Dans quelques mois va débuter l’édition 2013 de la Conférence Interspeech ! Nous sommes impatients de vous accueillir à Lyon.
D’ici là, ce site web vous fournira toutes les informations nécessaires pour préparer efficacement votre participation à cet événement scientifique de grande envergure, qui se tiendra en août prochain.
Dès à présent, nous invitons nos collègues à préparer leurs propositions d'articles. Toutes les informations relatives au processus de soumission sont présentées ci-dessous.
La Conférence Interspeech est le reflet du dynamisme de notre communauté scientifique, qui n’a cessée de croître au cours de ces dernières années. Nous sommes impatients de recevoir, des quatre coins du monde, des contributions de grande qualité, s'étendant sur toute la palette des thématiques scientifiques couvertes par la conférence.
Frédéric Bimbot (Chair) | Cécile Fougeron (Co-Chair) | François Pellegrino (Co-Chair) |
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Contact :
Paper format
From this year on, a new paper format will be used: 4 pages of text plus one page (maximum) for references only. This will facilitate the sometimes difficult arbitration between work description and citation coverage.
Paper submission procedure
The deadline for submitting a paper is March 18th, 2013, midnight GMT. This date will not be extended.
Updates of the pdf file will be permitted until March 24th, 2013 midnight GMT, but the title, author, abstract and topics will not be modifiable.
Note : "midnight" should be understood as 23:59 plus 1 minute !
Authors will be asked to determine to which topic(s) their contributions relates (see list of areas and topics on the ) and/or if they wish to contribute to a special session (see list below). Each paper proposal will be reviewed by at least three specialists of the area to which it belongs. Papers must be submitted via the on-line paper submission system, accessible through the conference website.
Registration fees and conference costs
Early registration fees for full-delegate ISCA members are set to 520 €, including the conference banquet. Students will benefit from a reduced rate of 50% (i.e. 260 €). In order to keep overall costs low, an accomodation package will be proposed to students, in the range of 250 € for 5 nights + breakfast. Grants will also be available, to further reduce financial burden.
Next important dates :
Submission deadline for Show & Tell : April 29th, 2013 - Now closed
Notification of acceptance (all submissions): May 24st, 2013
Camera-ready final versions: May 29th, 2013
Conference dates : August 25-29, 2013
If you want to become a sponsor or an exhibitor at the conference, click here.
If you have any question, please contact :
Conference Chairs :
Technical Programme Chairs :
Organizers :
Webmaster :