Paper submission procedure - Now closed

Important notice

All notifications to authors were sent on May 20th by e-mail.
The subject of the message is: Your Interspeech 2013 Submission (Number XXX).
If you have not heard from Interspeech 2013 please check your spam and contact the technical chairs immediately at :

New paper format

From this year on, a new paper format will be used: 4 pages of text plus one page (maximum) for references only. This will facilitate the sometimes difficult arbitration between work description and citation coverage. Any paper with text on the 5th page other than references will be rejected.
The working language of the conference is English.

Paper preparation

Paper submissions must conform to the format which is defined in the paper preparation guidelines and provided with the author’s kit.

Authors may optionally accompany their papers with additional files, such as multimedia files, to be included on the Proceedings USB key. Authors shall also declare that their contributions are original and are not submitted for publication elsewhere (e.g. another conference, workshop, or journal).

Note about the bibtex style: the latex template in Interspeech2013 paperkit assumes that you manually write the \bibitem items. But if you prefer to use bibtex, please be aware that the default IEEEtran.bst bibtex style replaces identical successive author names with a dash, starting from the second citation of these authors. Both formats are thus allowed in Interspeech2013: either with repeated author names, or as produced by bibtex and the standard IEEEtran.bst file.
Nevertheless, we suggest that you modify the default IEEEtran.bst file as follows, so that repeated author names are all printed:
< FUNCTION {} { #1 }
> FUNCTION {} { #0 }

Paper submission procedure

Authors will be asked to determine to which topic(s) their contributions relates (see list of areas and topics) and/or if they wish to contribute to a special session. Under the coordination of the Technical Programme Chairs (Lori LAMEL and Pascal PERRIER) and with the supervision of a pool of 28 area chairs, each paper proposal will be reviewed by at least three specialists of the area to which it belongs. 

Papers must be submitted via the on-line paper submission system.

» Submit a paper

The deadline for submitting a paper is March 18th, 2013, midnight GMT. This date will not be extended.

Updates of the pdf file will be permitted until March 24th, 2013 midnight GMT, but the title, author, abstract and topics will not be modifiable.


Notification of acceptance

Authors will be notified about the acceptance or rejection of their paper proposal on May 24th, 2013.
Camera-ready final versions of accepted papers will be due on May 29th, 2013.

Note : "midnight" should be understood as 23:59 plus 1 minute !