Interspeech Conference App
This year’s edition of Interspeech sees the experimental introduction of a new conference application for smartphones and tablets. The ‘app’, developed by the Quality and Usability Lab at TU Berlin, Germany, provides users with a number of functionalities, such as:
- an up-to-date technical programme,
- access to individual abstracts and papers,
- a personalized schedule which can be exported to a smartphone calendar,
- search functionality including sessions, papers and attendees,
as well as selected general information about the conference venue and local tourism.
The app is available free of charge and supports Android (from version 2.2) and iOS (from version 6.0). Full paper access is restricted to conference attendees.
Under the auspices of ISCA, Sebastian Möller and his team hope to develop the app into a community platform for use in future Interspeech and other ISCA events. Ultimately, they hope to extend the functionality to test speech technology, i.e. voice search or synthesized speech output.
These and other ideas will be presented during the Show-and-Tell session.
You are invited to provide the team with user feedback and proposals for the development into a community platform, either in person during the Show-and Tell session, at the Interspeech 2015 booth, or via email to .
Further information, including links to download the app for your device, can be found at:
Alternatively, search for ‘Interspeech’ in Google Play or iTunes, or just scan the QR codes below:
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The app is available free of charge and supports Android (from version 2.2) and iOS (from version 6.0). Full paper access is restricted to conference attendees. |
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25th Anniversary Grand Quiz
Interspeech 2013 participants are kindly invited to participate in the 25th Anniversary Grand Quiz related to the analysis of the Interspeech conference series starting from the European Conference on Speech Technology (ECST) in 1987 (Edinburg, UK) until Interspeech 2012 (Portland, USA).
The results of this analysis is based on the ISCA Archive and depicted in a paper that will be presented at the “ESCA/ISCA 25th Anniversary” plenary session that will take place on Thursday August 29, 2013, 11h30-12h30, in the Amphithéâtre [Joseph Mariani, Patrick Paroubek, Gil Francopoulo, Marine Delaborde, Rediscovering 25 Years of Discoveries in Spoken Language Processing: A preliminary ISCA Archive Analysis, Interspeech 2013].
After the opening of the conference, the Quiz will be accessible online by clicking here:
Click here to start
the Grand Quiz
It contains 20 questions, including 18 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and 2 tiebreaker open questions. It should not take more than 5 minutes of your time to answer the Quiz. The Quiz will close on Wednesday August 28, at 20h00.
The paper will stay encrypted until the 25th Anniversary plenary session, where the password allowing to have access to its content will be provided. It will also be fully accessible in the ISCA Archive after the conference.
The results and the name of the grand winner will be announced at the end of the “ESCA/ISCA 25th Anniversary” Session. The prize consists of "The Complete Bocuse", a 780 page cookery book with 500 traditional French recipies, in english, by the Chef who is regarded as the father of modern French cuisine.
Interspeech on Twitter
If you are not already aware, Interspeech 2013 is on Twitter. Follow general communications and announcements through the official account and contribute through hashtags #interspeech2013 and #ispeech2013 - see the Twitter feed on the main website.
In addition, we are also trialing the use of Twitter during plenary sessions. A twitter moderator will assist the session chair by summarising incoming comments and questions which will then be relayed to the plenary speaker. We wish to thank Benjamin Munson, Roger Moore and Steve Renals for agreeing to act as moderators.
Giant Puzzle and Fun Raffle
As a teaser to Interspeech 2013, participants to Interspeech 2012 in Portland received a puzzle piece and a numbered key-ring.
If you hold some (or know colleagues who hold some and are not coming to the conference), bring them to Lyon and carry them with you during the conference.
We will reconstruct the giant puzzle during the Conference Banquet and the number on the key-rings will serve as lucky numbers in a fun raffle involving all 2013 participants throughout the 4 days of the conference.
Powerpoint Karaoke
To find out what is a Powerpoint Karaoke, you may want to visit:
No preparation needed ! No rehearsal required !
An incredible hour of entertainment planned before the Conference Banquet, on Wednesday 28th, 6:30-7:15 pm, in the Amphithéâtre.
More details to come soon on how to participate. And great prizes planned for the three winners.
French Delights and Clichés
When participating in a conference, we often regret not having time to visit and meet the locals.
We thought about it and we invite you for a walk through the Parc de la Tête d'Or, where surprises will be awaiting you, on Wednesday between 6:30pm and 7:30pm, on your way to the banquet.